Veterinary Eye Center, PLLC

3201 Bee Caves Rd, Ste 120, #160044
Austin, TX 78746


Cherry Eye

 cherry eyeWhat is cherry eye?

A cherry eye appears when the gland of the third eyelid becomes swollen, breaks free of its normal attachments, and protrudes above the edge of the third eyelid.  The third eyelid gland is responsible for the production of a portion of the tears.  Tears moisten and protect the surface of the eye and are essential for ocular health.

Why does a cherry eye occur?

In certain breeds (English Bulldog, Cocker spaniel, Lhasa Apso, etc) the attachments that hold the third eyelid gland in place are weak and will break down.  Cherry eye usually occurs in young animals and can affect both eyes.

How is cherry eye treated?

The cherry eye (prolapsed third eyelid gland) should never be surgically removed because it predisposes the animal to a dry eye condition that will need chronic medications and/or surgery.

Cherry eye is best treated in the early stages.  Sometimes the gland can be manually replaced and treated with topical antibiotics and anti-inflammatories.  If it continues to recur, cherry eye should be treated with a surgical tack method to place the gland back into the normal position.